公司簡介 About Us
龍風創立於50年代產製各種抽送風機和收塵設備,多年來綜合國内外最新學術,積極地從事研究開發並積極引進歐、美、日新銳加工儀器等,經驗及技術和設計人才的養成。使龍風抽送風機能以高效率低噪音,堅固耐用之特色產品行銷全國及海外。 本公司之產品廣泛地使用於各種生產設備,造船、化工、造紙、合板木業、製糖業、水泥、飼料廠、金屬熔解廠,焚化爐、排煙、空調及公害環保防治設備等等。今後本公司仍秉持一貫嚴謹的態度以創新開發的精神,繼續提供高品質,高技術的產品及最佳的服務來答謝客戶的愛護,並自我其許大步邁向龍風更燦爛輝煌的明天。
- Long Fong,.established in the early 50s has been dedicated to the manufacturing of various types of fans, blowers and dust-collecting producis. Through out these years,Long Fong has spared no efforts in training and cultimating its engineering staff, particularly the design engineers. It has incessantly put in tremendous amount of time and effort into its well planned research and development activities. This includes the studies, evaluations and applications of related new technologies available domestically and abroad in order to produce the latest and upgraded equipment. In order to continuously manufacture these products in the highest standard of quality, Long Fong has acquired latest processing machineries and instruments,from U.S.A, Japan and Europe, to improve and maintain its high standard and reliabilities. We are proud and able to say that our team of design expertise, with experiences and leading technologies have made what Long Fong is today. Today, Long Fong’s products enjoy very good sale in Taiwan and overscas, all featuring high efficiency, low noise level, durablilities and robustness. Our broad range of products are widely used in various manufacturing and servicing industries, such as, ship building, chemical plants, paper mills, plywood and various timber industries, sugar factories, cement mills, animal feed industries, metal melting and steel smelting factories, incinators, smoke and dust extraction systems,airconditioning plants and systems, environment and pollutions control systems, etc. We appreciate the long association patronage and greatconfidence of our many customers. We, therefore, are committed to continously maintain manufacturing our various range of products to the highest standard and provide our usual follow-up service policy.