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產品資訊 | 透浦式


  • 本機為透浦式馬達直結驅動,構造堅實佔地小,效率高,保養簡便適用於一般之集塵設備,鍋爐強制送風,氣體輸送等,皆廣採用。 The fans are turbo type and directly coupled to motors. They are rugged, compact, efficient and easy to maintain.
    They are widely used for dust collecting equipment, forced air supplies, transfer of air, etc.
  • 本機為高壓透浦式馬達直結驅動型其靜壓較TFD-A為高,構造堅實佔地小,效率高,適用於飼料、麵粉、塑膠廠之粉粒體收集及氣體輸送皆廣採用。 The fans are high pressure turbo type and directly coupled to motors. The output pressure is greater than type “TFD-A”.They are rugged,compact, efficient and easy to maintain.
    They have been widely used in animal feed factories, flour mills, powder and solid particular collections in plastic factories and transfer of air.
  • 本機專用於高風壓,低風量之場所,外殼為一般鋼板或不銹鋼製造,結構堅實效率高,適用於燃燒裝置,工業用爐,粉末分離及強制送風。 The fan housings are made of steel or stainlesssteel. The fans are robustly constructed for high airpressure and low volume operations. It is highly efficientand reliable.
    Suitable for forced air supplies to burning devicesor furances, industrial boilers, separation of powder andsolid particles in plastic industries, etc.
  • 本機葉輪之葉片順氣流做合理的後向彎曲,轉動時能保持低噪音和高效率,結構堅實壽命長,適用於一般排換氣,熱風循環,焚化爐、集塵設備等用途最為廣泛。 The fan blades are curved vane(turbine) shape and dynamic balanced for vibration free operation. It is highly efficient, low noise and reliable.
    It has been widely used for general ventilations, hot air circulation, incinators, dust collecting equipment, etc.
  • 本機為中高壓透浦式風機,葉輪之葉片呈後向彎曲,且經本公司高感度動平衡機,校正後,能做高速之回轉,無慮震動,噪音低,效率高、壽命長,使用於強制送風,環保裝置熱風循環,鍋爐之送風,均能發揮優良之性能。 The fan blades are curved vane (turbine) shaped and belt driven for medium pressure operations. It is accurately caliberated and dynamic balanced for viberation free operation. It is highly efficient, very low noise level and reliable.
    It has been proven in many applications, such as,forced air supplies, hot air circulations or air supplies for environmental pollution control equipment and boilers, etc.